

Every summer, for 7 days and 6 nights, from 10am to 4am, the festival receives  50.000 festivalgoers, more than 80 concerts & musical meetings in the beautiful city of Arles. 

The 23rd edition of Festival Les Suds,à Arles will take place from the 9th to the 15th of July 2018.

Discover the programme



Animated by great artists famous in their branch, workshops are opened to everyone : beginner, professional but also to the young public.

All workshops are taking place downtown, near the festival's concerts place. 

Discover the programme

Actions culturelles

Suds, à Arles organizes various projects all over the year : annual theme projects - Orfeo & Majnun for 2018 - allowing a questioning of our own territory, but also events "outdoors" and one time events (Radio des Suds, interventions of artists at la Maison Centrale d’Arles, Suds à Mas-Thibert…).

Discover the Cultural Actions

Sous-titreSUDS en sons et en images


La vidéo de la 23e édition !

La vidéo de la 23e édition !

Prenez une pause... Accordez-vous 5 minutes de pur plaisir ! Et replongez dans l'ambiance des grands moments de la 23e édition du Festival Les Suds, à Arles avec Gilberto Gil e Amigos, Angélique Kidjo, Tony Gatlif, Roberto Fonseca, Alba Molina, Trio Joubran...
