Soirée Suds - Théâtre Antique

Beautifully restored, with an exceptional beauty and acoustics, the Roman Theater has 2000 seats and an orchestra which welcomes 500 people who can dance under the starry vault, or get as close as possible to the artists. Each “Soirée Suds” offers two concerts sublimated by the magic of the venue... with musical formations of international renown, or in discovery in France and in Europe.

GILBERTO GIL e Amigos (BRESIL) / 90 min

Tuesday, 10th July at 9:30pm

Former Minister of Culture under Lula, Gilberto Gil is a model of the Tropicàlia movement. He invites all his musical crew to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of Refavela : an album with African touches. 

Reunited around this legendary Brazilian voice will be the singer Maya Andrade (who shone during a Precious Moment in 2004), Chiara Civello, Mestrinho and his son Bem Gil, aslo artistic director, composor and arranger on this musical reinterpretation. 

Bossas novas, baiaos nordestins and sambas funk will flow for this first Soirée Suds, in a big wave of alegria !


ALL soirées suds

Angélique Kidjo
Roberto Fonseca
+ d'autres artistes à venir


Also discover the samba with the following workshops :
- Samba de Raiz with Laurent Rigaud et Verioca
- Maracatu with Mestre Letho Nascimiento
- Mouvement des Orixas with Rosangela Silvestre 
